Lorem Ipsum Examples

Examples of available methods and a possible output from a call. See the API documentation for the syntax of the methods.

NOTES: By adding using Faker;, all Faker. prefixes in the examples can be removed.


Will generate random characters with the exact length of the specified charCount parameter (defaults to 255 characters).

Faker.Lorem.Characters(charCount: 255);

Output have been abbreviated, actual output would be the same length as the specified charCount parameter.



Will generate a random paragraph using Lorem Ipsum paragraph (the paragraph will be a minimum of 3 sentences). An overload exist to allow a selection of different minimum sentences.


OUTPUTS: an array with the following sentences (split to multiple lines for viewing purposes only):

"Necessitatibus est soluta est modi."
"Ut debitis iste provident est eum voluptas ut."
"Unde aliquid quo excepturi omnis hic fuga consectetur dolores."
"Provident neque beatae omnis illo eos."


Will generate a random Lorem Ipsum sentence.


OUTPUTS: "Consectetur beatae et doloremque amet."
