
This is very much an active project so any and all contributions are welcome, even just finding issues!

Reporting Issues

All issues should be tracked at GitHub, with enough information to reproduce the issue.

Code Contributions

This repository is based around the Git Flow workflow, using feature/hotfix/bugfix branches and pull requests to manage incoming changes and fixes. Generally speaking you can follow a similar guidance as Cake itself with a few changes (found here), which can be summarised as follows:

  • Find a change or fix you want to implement
  • Fork the repo
  • Workflow for new features
    • Create a new branch named feature/<your-feature-name> and make your changes
    • Open a PR from your feature branch against the develop branch (include the GitHub issue number)
  • Workflow for bug fixes in the latest stable version
    • Create a new branch named hotfix/<your-bugfix-name> and make your changes
    • Open a PR from your hotfix branch against the master branch (include the GitHub issue number)
      (This will be re-targeted to a different branch when accepted)
  • Workflow for bug fixes in an unpublished version of Cake.Addin.Analyzer
    • Create a new branch named bugfix/<your-bugfix-name> and make your changes
    • Open a PR from your bugfix branch against the develop branch (include the GitHub issue number)
  • Success! I will provide feedback if needed, or just accept the changes directly and they should appear in the next release

Additionally to the Cake guidelines, we als follow a convention regarding commit messages and github pull request titles. The commits and pull request titles are expected to follow the Conventional Commits convention, with the following types supported:

  • feat: - Adds a new feature to the analyzer. This is generally a new Rule, or a new Code Fix.
  • fix: - Fixes an existing issue/bug in the library
  • docs: - Changes only related to documentation. This can be both xml comments, the wyam documentation, the readme or even just updating the year in the License.
  • style: - Changes that do not affect the meaning of any code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor: - A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf: - A code change that improves performance
  • test: - Adding missing unit tests or correcting existing tests
  • build: - Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: - Changes to our CI configuration (also requires a scope to be used, these can be ga or codeql)
  • chore: - Other changes that don't modify src or test files
  • revert: - A commit that reverts a previous commit (should only be used if the code is already in develop/master)


Note that this project (and all contributions) fall under the MIT License terms.
